The First Marathon on China's Great Wall



The Rest of the Story

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Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers
May 17, 1981

Jan grew up in a theatrical family in San Francisco, studied dance and theater, and taught elementary school most of her life. She is competitive, athletic and disciplined. In 1972 her first husband Clare died of Hodgkin's disease, she then married Dick Molen, a short time after the marriage he was diagnosed with the same cancer. Although devastated by the reality that she may be forced to experience the same nightmare that she had gone through with her first husband, she helped Dick on his long and successful struggle against Hodgkin's, and joined him on a series of adventures that most women don't even read about, let alone experience.

For more on her story visit Jan running Greek Marathon

For more on her story visit Jan running Great Wall Marathon

Training in Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok Post - July 23rd 1985

Training in Hong Kong, China
South China Morning Post - July 26th 1985

For more on her story visit Jan climbs 7 peaks

Mt. Kilimanjaro - Elevation 19,340


Jan Molen at 54 lead the final climb from 15,000 feet. "I wasn't ever going to give up!" Even the natives were impressed. The African guides, who call all older women "Mamma," had bestowed a new title on Jan Molen:
"Strong Mamma!" they cried as she walked into the bar. "They were so happy that the climb was successful," Jan said later. "And they were singing this song, 'Kil-I-man-Jar-o,' in Swahili. I made them sing it over and over, and they tried to teach it to me." Cope 1986

Until a few years ago, Jan Ring was a California elementary school teacher whose life hadn't differed much from that of most middle-aged Americans, except that her husband had died of Hodgkin's disease. Then she married Dick Molen, helped him on his long and successful struggle against the same disease, and joined him on a series of adventures that most teachers don't even read about, let alone experience.

Today, she can tell stories about the inspiration of the Statue of David, the view from the Great Wall of China, the course of the ancient Greek marathon, and the snows of Kilimanjaro. And she can tell it all first-hand. She's been there.

Alan Cunningham - Cope Magazine - October 1986

From the Kibo Hotel, through an enchanting tropical rainforest, a beautiful alpine meadow, and then over a lunar landscape of nothing but volcanic ash and rock, we climbed to the summit of Kilimanjaro.


Kilimanjaro Itinerary

Paris to the top, photos from our Kilimanjaro Itinerary


The route we took up Kilimanjaro

Jan celebrating with African guides, after climbing Kilimanjaro. She was the first climber on our expedition, to reach the summit.