The First Marathon on China's Great Wall




Link Swap Information

By exchanging links, your website will benefit from over 100's of visitors per day visiting and your visitors will gain access to an outstanding resource.  Link swapping is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your site and increase your Link Popularity which will place your site higher in search engines rankings.

NOTE: We will only swap links with sites that fall in to the following categories: Great Wall of China, Marathons, Seven Peaks, Cancer/Survivor Stories, and Writers.

Please email our webmaster at The First Marathon on Chinas Great Wall -

Please make sure to include the following:

- The exact name of how you want your site listed:
- The main URL:
- The URL of the page where you will post our link:
- A brief description of your site: (under 220 characters including spaces)

Here is our information:

Web Site Name: The First Marathon on Chinas Great Wall - Dick and Jan Molen; the first and only people ever, to run a full marathon on
the top of the Great Wall of China.

Web Site URL:

Web Site Description:
The Story of Dick Molen: cancer survivor. With his wife he ran the first and only Marathon on the Great Wall of China in addition to other Marathons, climbed all Seven Peaks and visited the world over to share his story.

HTML Link Code: Copy and paste the following code into your web page:

<p><a href="">
The First Marathon on Chinas Great Wall - The First Marathon on Chinas Great Wall - Dick and Jan Molen; the first and only people ever, to run a full marathon on
the top of the Great Wall of China.</a> - The Story of Dick Molen: cancer survivor. With his wife he ran the first and only Marathon on the Great Wall of China in addition to other Marathons, climbed all Seven Peaks and visited the world over to share his story.</p>

If we feel that our sites are related and will benefit from each other, we will add your site to our highly visited links page if you reciprocate by linking to us.